1. The Scriptures We believe that the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (sixty-six books) are the divinely inspired Word of God. We hold them to be the final authority for our faith and conduct.
2. The Godhead We believe in one holy and sovereign God, the creator, who exists eternally in three equal persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
3. The Father We believe that God the Father is the ruler of heaven and earth. He is working all things together to fulfill His plan for the ages.
4. Jesus Christ We believe that Jesus Christ is the virgin-born Son of God. He came to reveal God and redeem sinful man.
5. The Holy Spirit We believe that God the Holy Spirit is active in bringing man to salvation. He indwells believers, transforming them into the image of Christ.
6. Man We believe that man was created in the image of God but by his willful disobedience became guilty and eternally separated from God.
7. Salvation We believe that man is reconciled to God by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This free gift of God's grace can be received only by personal repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
8. Future Things We believe in the visible, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the fulfillment of God's ultimate plan for mankind.
9. Satan We believe that Satan is an evil personality, the originator of sin, and the chief enemy of God and man.
10. The Church We believe that the church of God comprises all those who have been reconciled to Him through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that a local church is a self-governing group of baptized believers who gather under the lordship of Jesus Christ for worship and ministry.
11. Ordinances We believe that the ordinances of the church are baptism and the Lord's Supper.