Pastor Wayne Wright
Wayne and his wife Candie have been involved in the leadership of 5 churches with the Baptist and Associated Gospel Churches of Canada. In addition to serving at Melrose, Wayne is a Chaplain in Long Term Care in the GTA, serving a neglected and vulnerable segment of our society. Pastor Wayne will not be hosting a coffee hour this week |
Jon Fuller
Jon grew up in the Philippines and currently leads an international Non-Government Organization (NGO) focused on East Asia. He is married with three adult daughters, all of whom love Canada but see themselves as global citizens. He has degrees in Philosophy, Inter-Cultural Studies and Leadership, a passion for science fiction and a love of sailing and canoeing. At Melrose, Jon serves as an Elder, preaches regularly, and enjoys hanging out with our Filipino community. Jon will not be hosting a coffee hour this week |
Siobhan Farrer
Siobhan grew up in the UK and came to Toronto with her young family in the 90s. She has a background in Training & Development and Communications. She now works as an Executive Coach helping people get 'de-gunked' from their Inner Critic. She's married with 2 adult children. She loves the outdoors, animals and jigsaw puzzles. She co-leads the Youth Group and heads up Hospitality at Melrose. Siobhan will not be hosting a coffee hour this week |
Paul Zurbrigg
Paul grew up in London, Ontario. A semi-retired high school science teacher, he is living as House Parent at a youth home for refugees run by Matthew House. Paul was a Board member and still is an active volunteer with Matthew House. He is a passionate hiker, environmentalist and baker. He serves as an elder, co-leads our Youth Group and serves in many other ways at Melrose. Paul will not be hosting a coffee hour this week |
Larry Seguin
Larry is a native of Windsor, Ontario. Since 1988 he has been serving as Melrose’s “hands and feet” in Cameroon, Africa, with Wycliffe Bible Translators. He is a linguist/translator by training, and his current focus is on developing leaders and equipping local people to take greater ownership of the Bible translation task in their communities. He enjoys keeping fit at the gym and through long walks, and trying out new things in the kitchen – ask him how he elevates Kraft Dinner! Larry will not be hosting a coffee hour this week |